Many question whether cholesterol sufferers really shouldn't eat eggs? The question arises because the high cholesterol content contained in eggs is believed to increase the risk of people with high cholesterol getting heart disease. To find out the facts, consider the following explanation.
Eggs are indeed difficult to remove from the daily diet of Indonesian people. Apart from having a delicious taste, cheap price, and easy to process, eggs are also enriched with nutrients that are beneficial to health, such as protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, folate, vitamin D, minerals, such as iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc.
Despite being highly nutritious, eggs also contain high cholesterol. In one egg, there are about 185-200 mg of cholesterol. This is what makes some people reluctant to eat eggs for fear of being exposed to high cholesterol.
Suffering from this condition will require sufferers to comply with many things, including having to be careful in choosing food. Without proper dietary control, high cholesterol can increase the risk of serious complications in the form of cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke.
Can Cholesterol Sufferers Eat Eggs?
The answer is allowed, provided that the eggs are not consumed too much. Most of the cholesterol in eggs is contained in egg yolks, while the cholesterol content in the whites is relatively low. But because cholesterol in eggs is considered dangerous, not a few people with high cholesterol who are afraid of eating eggs. One reason is because the high cholesterol content in eggs is believed to increase the risk of heart disease, especially for people who already have high cholesterol. In fact, this is not necessarily true. Cholesterol levels in the blood are not so affected by cholesterol obtained from egg consumption alone. Which even more influences cholesterol levels in the blood is the habit of consuming saturated fats and trans fats that are contained in many of the following foods:- Fatty meat
- Cheese
- Butter
- Ice cream
- Chicken skin
- Offal
Good Foods for High Cholesterol
Eating eggs is still relatively safe for people with high cholesterol. However, it would be better if egg consumption is accompanied by a healthy diet and intake of other nutritious foods that can reduce blood cholesterol levels, namely:- Fruits, such as avocados, apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries.
- Vegetables, such as spinach, mustard greens, cucumbers, carrots, onions, and okra.
- Nuts, including soybeans, almonds, and peanuts.
- Grains, such as chia seed and flaxseed.
- Foods that contain lots of omega-3s, such as sea fish, shellfish, and nuts and seeds.
- Dark chocolate or dark chocolate.
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